The First Question to Ask Before Publishing a Book
Whenever I speak with a prospective client, I always ask the same question: “What is your ultimate goal in publishing your book.”
The answer to this question can help you determine the right publishing strategy for you. For example, should you seek a traditional book deal or is self-publishing the better option? How much time and money should you invest in the process? How should you position and market your book so it reaches the right audience?
Few authors can answer this question. Some will say something vague or obvious like, “I want my book to reach the widest audience possible,” or “I want to change the way people think about X",” or “I want to be a New York Times bestseller.”
Here’s the thing: books—especially non-fiction ones—do not exist in a vacuum. When approached with a clear goal, they can help you achieve even more important professional and personal ambitions. Do you want to generate more clients for your business? Position yourself as a subject-matter expert so you can pivot your career? Do you want to be a full-time author or speaker?
When thinking about your goal, I urge you to look beyond the number of copies you want to sell or how much money you want to make. Those are not goals; those are metrics. The clearer you are on what you hope to accomplish, the easier it will be to decide on a strategy—and the likelier you are to be successful.